RAMS Winter Party
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It was in September 1998 on a friends Party when Philip came to me and asked if  I would join him for the winter party at RAMS MC in Trondheim, Norway. I thought why the hell not and said YES.

The point was that he was thinking about riding up to Trondheim on the bike!!

We immediately started to plan our trip, because there is a lot to do if you want to drive a Panhead in the winter from Switzerland to Norway. We had to think about chains for the bikes, heating system for hands and feet and the carburetor, something to heat up the engine in the morning when it is 30°C below zero.....and so on.


February 1st we rode to Lörrach in Germany close to the Swiss border to pull the two Panheads on the train to Hamburg, entered the sleeping cabins with a couple of beer cans in every pocket and did not sleep a lot.

Phil's face proves that we had quite a bit of fun instead of sleeping hours!
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Hamburg February 2nd: off the train, starting the bikes and on the highway to Kiel to enter the ferry to Oslo.

In the morning when we woke up with some headache... and looked outside the windows of the cabin we were not so sure anymore if it was so intelligent what we were doing: THE FUCKING SEA WAS FROZEN!! So it was probably pretty cold outside. Rams-2.gif (25747 Byte)
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Nevertheless the weather was not so bad and in fact it was only 8°C below zero. On that day we made it till Lillehammer where Philip after a stop on a gas-station had troubles with his kick-stand and couldn't kick his bike anymore. Well...no problem we thought and pulled his bike with mine with a rope to get to the main road because there was no snow. On the first try to release the clutch Philip went down to the asphalt and we realized that there was no snow on the road but PURE ICE! We decided to stay in Lillehammer the night and repair the kick-stand.

The next day we were more carefully on the road knowing that we were riding on a ice-field. This is like trying to ride over an egg without braking it....you have no chance but you try it again and again. The further North we got, the more snow was falling and soon there was enough snow on the roads to put the chains on our bikes!

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Dovre1.gif (44537 Byte) The most difficult part of the trip was the Dovre Pass. It is not a very high mountain but the weather was so bad that you couldn’t see the hand in front of you face. It was a record snow storm the day we passed the mountain.

We passed a Truck which trailer was blown off the road and we knew we have to be crazy to be here on our HD's.

Only 3 hours after we arrived in Oppdal the road over the Pass was closed. It was too dangerous!

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Rams-4.gif (29346 Byte) In Oppdal we could stay at the clubhouse of the Mountain Rider MC which is very nice and has a perfect guestroom.

Everything was organized, beer, dinner, site seeing tour and the visit of the local bars!!

We really felt like home.
The rest of the trip to Trondheim was a lot of fun. The weather was pretty good and we got used to drive with the chains and could go faster and faster.

You have to give the bike the main direction and she finds the way through the snow itself, dancing and sliding.

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We stayed for 2 wonderful days and 3 even better nights at the clubhouse of the RAMS MC in Trondheim and had a lot of beer, spriit and fun!

The way home was colder (27°C below zero) but nice weather and again we met all our friends that we met on our way up: The Mountain Riders in Oppdal, Foreman in Vinstra, Jarle in Lillehammer and the Post MC in Oslo.

Many Thanks to all this people that supported us!!
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Many thanks to all members of the RAMS MC for the good time and fun we had at the Brakka

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We are already planning our next trip!

so long Mac & Phil
