Sheet Metal Work
Part I: the course

Wouldn't it be cool if you could build your own gas tanks and fenders and stuff?


  That's why we decided first to learn how that works and second to buy the nececary tools and equipment to do so;-)

All started when Sandra was talking to Andrea from the Harley Brothers Luxembourg during their summer party in 2006. Andrea mentioned something about courses at the Fahrzeug Akademie Schweinfurt.

Back home Sandra checked on the internet and found the english wheel course (how to build a motorcycle gas tank)

And there we are!

Pretty cool: during the four days everyone build his own fender and gas tank that you can take home at the end of the seminar.


First you hammer like hell! That's about 80% of the work.

Then you smooth it out with the English Wheel

Same for th tank sides!

And then welding everything together.

Pretty good for our first two tanks we have ever build, isn't it?

Part II: Üse's birthday present

Back home I remembered that Üse wanted to have an old style tank for a long time. And his birthday was right around the corner.

So we made a tank...

The tank should fit on a stock HD frame with a Knuckle engine.


That's all folks.

More Sheet Metal Work in

Project No. 9


Project No. 10






